7 Days Without War

30. March 2024

In calendar week 12/13, we carried out a wonderful, long-planned project: "Seven days without war".

Dafür holten wir 15 Kinder zwischen 9-11 Jahren für eine Woche hier nach Mittelhessen um sie von den Eindrücken des andauernden Krieges abzulenken. Es war unser erstes Projekt in dieser Richtung, und es war eine „Basketball Edition“:

There was training at the local club https://www.basketball-lich.de/, games and excursions.

Together with https://gemeinsamhelfen.mkw.eu/ and Ternopil Foundation https://bf.te.ua/ we were able to finance this great project.

Bei der Hin.- und Rückreise wurde Liftukraine von „Brachttal hilft“ sowie http://www.veritas-ambulanz.de/ supported by vehicles and volunteer drivers.

Further projects with children and young people are being planned in order to drive forward the reconstruction of civil society. The focus here is on exchange and networking between the participants.


Young basketball players from BCTernopil visited Germany (UA) :https://gazeta-misto.te.ua/yuni-basketbolisty-bk-ternopil-u-mezhah-blagodijnogo-proyektu-vidvidaly-nimechchynu/

Seven days without war (DE): https://www.giessener-allgemeine.de/sport/lokalsport/sieben-tage-ohne-krieg-92994114.html

Get involved


As a non-profit organization, we rely on donations. For amounts over 50€, we issue donation receipts according to §10b EStG.



Lift Ukraine e.V.
IBAN: DE70 8306 5408 0005 2484 26
Deutsche Skatbank


If you have time and motivation to dedicate a few hours or a few days of your personal time to help in the transportation, logistics or matching process - please contact us. Volunteering options:


Support in the logistical structure in Germany


Support the transports to Ukraine


Become active in the direct front support

In-kind Donations

We procure, transport, and distribute humanitarian aid to and within Ukraine.


Medical supplies

Food items

Hygiene items
